Monday, November 25, 2013

Would you like Freedom with that?

This weekend while out and about with my family I had a unique experience. We were out shopping and had stopped at a well known fast food restaurant to have a quick and cheap bite to eat. Well, as the good father I am, I bought my son a kid's meal which of course came with a toy. As we were walking out of the restaurant, he dropped his brand new toy and rolled right under a car. Of course, this was a disaster. Well, with my bad luck, it rolls squarely in the middle of the car in between the front wheels and I am left to belly crawl under this SUV to get it...

At this point you are probably like "Where the hell is he going with this?" Patience my young Padawan. So as I am under this stranger's SUV, army crawling to retrieve a 10¢ toy made in China, one of the employees comes out to ask if he could help by getting me a broom. At this point, I was already under the car, so I politely declined. As I emerged from the underside of the SUV, toy in hand my son gleamed in joy. Turning to the nice employee to thank him, he motioned at his shirt and stated "you might want to pull your shirt down." Apparently while retrieving my sons toy, my firearm that is carried IWB on my hip had come exposed. Dang it. So I promptly pulled my shirt over my gun and readjusted myself as to not expose the world to it. Then the nice employee leaned over to me and said "Don't worry, you're not the only one" as he lifts up his shirt exposing a firearm underneath his uniform.

Needless to say, I was a little taken aback by this! Here I am, all paranoid that some anti-gunner would have seen me and called the cops for "violently brandishing" my firearm. Then the next second, I'm being flashed a revolver tucked in the waistband of a fast food employee's pants!. What a Saturday! But this goes to show you, more people concealed carry then you realize. In the great state of Florida, as of October 31, 2013 there are 1,186,457 active CCW permits issued. To put that into perspective there is 19.32 million people in the entire state. That's over 6% of the entire population that is a concealed carry holder and that number is growing rapidly everyday. And that's only those who carry a firearm with them, not those who own firearms strictly for home protection use. So we aren't a small fraction of paranoid people who live in bunkers under ground and wear aluminum foil hats. We are fathers, mothers, neighbors, church goers, blue collar, white collar and everything in between. We believe in right of self preservation and self reliance for your own safety. We do not want our right to protect ourselves stripped away and we will be heard.

So next time you take a trip to your favorite McTuckey Taco Burger Shack, remember the fast food guy I met this weekend. He may be the guy that saves your life.

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