Sunday, November 17, 2013


Guns get a bad rap. We all know this. However within this last year the number of guns purchased and the number of gun owners has grown significantly. More interesting, is the number of people getting their CCW or Concealed Carry Weapons permit. Personally, several of my friends and family  have gotten theirs withing the last six months. These are people who didn't even own a gun a year go. Today I even went with a friend to pick out his new carry gun. 

I purchased my first firearm in the beginning of 2011. We were having a rash of break-ins at the apartments we were living in a decided to be safe than sorry . None of the break-ins were violent, but you just never know. Being a spur of the moment buy, funds were limited and so was my experience. My father owned a gun my whole life but I never once saw it. It was a .22 revolver stashed in the closet and the ammo was in a different place in the same closet. I had only fired a couple pistols before in my lifetime, my first being the Beretta M9 I fired in basic training. I wanted something cheap and not intimidating if my wife had to use it. So, for the bargain price of $240 I bought a Taurus TCP from my local gun shop. And for about 2 years it stayed in its case in closet, however at least mine stayed loaded.

On December 14, 2012, the TCP came out of the closet and hasn't gone back since. The shooting at Sandy Hook affirmed for me that society has hit a low point. The killing of innocent children, having 2 small children of my own, hit too close to home. I decided at that point I would not stand for this type of violence. I was going to carry gun to protect me and my family. The first week of January I took my required training course, did all of the paperwork, paid all of the fees and around March of this year I was officially licensed to carry a firearm. At this time I was the only person I knew in my circle who carried a firearm.   My TCP has become my Everyday Carry (EDC). It goes where I go. Soon to follow suit was my father. He obtained his ccw and carries a Taurus revolver.

For a lot of people, the idea of carrying a gun around is weird. They think I'm paranoid. Or crazy. One of my close friends, upon discussing carrying a gun, stated " I have lived 27 years without needing one, I don't think I need one now." My response was "We don't live in the same world we did 27 years ago." That must have struck a chord with him, as he is now a CCW permit holder too. My wife is also a recent CCW holder. At first, she just went along with me carrying it but as she began to see the way I see the world, she wanted to carry as well. Most recently, another close friend, who never owned a pistol before has purchased two in the past month and completed his CCW requirements.

So why are all of these people starting to buy and carry weapons? I think a lot of reasons. I think with shootings happening at schools, malls, and movie theaters the sense of security has been lost. Some people are concerned with the current state of our government and their constant attempt to ban, register or confiscate guns from the people. Remember our Second Amendment is there as a last resort against tyranny. The reason I carry, the reason I wear my pistol day in and day out: I carry to save a life. "Wait,"you say, "save a life? But guns are for killing not saving" I carry a gun to protect people from the evils of this world. I don't carry to just protect me or my family, but anyone who may need it. I will not turn a blind eye. I don't care if you think that concealed carry is stupid or if you think the Second Amendment is outdated. I will use those rights given unto me to save your life if you ever needed it. So, I believe the populous is beginning to see firearm ownership in this way.
People who were once sheep are now becoming sheepdogs to protect against the wolves of the world.

I am a sheepdog.

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