Sunday, December 8, 2013

Cops are Too Heavy

If you own a firearm for self defense (or several in many cases), you have been probably asked "why." Why do you have so many guns? Are you paranoid? Do you think someone is going to come take them away? Do you really think there is going to be some kind of "revolution?"

Quite frankly, I own and carry a gun because cops are too heavy. Cops aren't easy to conceal. They don't fit in my gun safe or my glove box. For the life of me, I can't find a holster that will fit one. So the problem is, they are never there when I need one. Some of you have heard the saying "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away." That statement is 100% true. Even if your next door neighbor was a cop and he personally heard the door be kicked in, it would still take him at least a minute or two to grab whatever he needed and proceed to your house. By then your struggle could already be over... hopefully in your favor.

Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for what the police do and if the event ever arose, you should always call 911... back up never hurts. But, just statistically they can't be there the very second some crazed, cracked out psycho comes through your front door. So what are you going to do? Cower in the corner and hope they don't hurt you? Pssh, screw that. If I am going to die, I'm going down swinging. I would rather have the option of defending myself and my family rather than hoping someone will get there in time. The same idea applies to concealed carry.  If I am attacked on the street, in a mall, movie theater or even my office; there is no cop within arms reach to protect me. 99% of the time however (sans at work) my pistol is. So while I am waiting for the professionals to show up, I will do my best to protect myself and those around me.

You'll often hear the opposition say " Having a gun just gives the attacker access to a gun." First off, that's ridiculous. That's like saying him attacking you with a gun gives you access to one. Yes, if you were extremely talented you could, in theory, take the gun from them. But this isn't the movies, and you're not Jet Lee. Having a gun (especially carrying) requires a fair bit of training and your CCW class does not count. With any amount of training, you should understand how to keep and use your firearm in a defensive measure. I have told my wife before, "If an intruder is going to kill me with my own gun, he will have to beat me with it because it will be empty."

So think of gun ownership as first aid. You, the one on the scene at the time of incident, will have to make the first actions before the professionals can get there. Your actions can greatly improve the chances of someone living. I am sure many of you have had CPR training before, the exact same concept is in play here. If you waited for the paramedics to show up, that person would have died of asphyxiation long before they arrived.

So, if you are a gun owner - Get training and practice often. If you aren't, seriously think about what I've said here. Like I said earlier, use 911, rely on the cops but understand that your safety falls into your hands. They can't be everywhere at once.

Oh, and if you find a holster for a cop, please let me know.

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