Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Independence day

On this day, 238 years ago, the United States declared its independence from the British. While we celebrate this holiday with trips to the beach, barbeque's, and fireworks; this isn't the real reason for the holiday. Independence day is about how we, as a united people, broke away and fought a revolution against an oppressive government which did not represent its people. Not much different than the fight our Patriots face today.

Politcal cartoon by Benjamin Franklin

While most people are familiar with the adage "No taxation without representation" was a huge motivating factor behind the war; its not how the war started. The first shots fired were in Concord, Massachusetts in 1775 over gun control, not surprisingly. British troops were marching into the city to confiscate guns and ammunition from the colonists. The thought process behind this was to prevent retaliation if a rebellion occurred.

You learned in school about Paul Revere's midnight ride, at least I hope so. Well his ride was to warn the towns about the coming of the redcoats for this very gun confiscation. The word of the British approach quickly traveled and the colonist were able to assemble a resistance against the redcoats. So, you see, gun control has been a means to control people for centuries.

In 1775, we were willing to fight for our right to keep our guns.We face the same problems today. A government with overreaching bounds. A government willing to tax your wages without your consent (Obamacare). A government hell bent on disarming its citizens in an effort to control them.

On this July 4th, please remember what the country was founded on, what out fore fathers fought for. They fought for Liberty. I believe there is a reason why they made the Right to bear arms the second amendment, in the event the first one fails. Do not let your own government take your rights away from you willingly. Fight for rights and remember the fighting spirit of our Founding Fathers.

Happy Independence Day.